
Insulating your home is not only one of the best ways to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint, but insulation is also key to getting the best from renewables like air source heat pumps. Before you consider installing a heat pump, you will need to assess the state of the insulation of your home, and you may need to improve it.

Essentially, the heat loss through the walls, roof and floors needs to be minimised and there are grants available to help low-income households achieve this.

If you live in a property which was built since the late 1990s, the good news is that it should already have more than adequate insulation, as current building regulations mean that homes built today are incredibly well insulated.

Signs that your home could be under insulated

If your home is under insulated, you may notice certain rooms, or the entire house is uncomfortable. The house will be cold in the winter and too warm in the summer months as well as been draughty and sometimes impossible to heat.

High energy bills are also a sign of insufficient insulation because your heating system is running all the time to maintain the temperature in your house. 

By adding insulation it will not only save money on energy bills but will also make your house more comfortable.

High energy bills are a sign of insufficient insulation because your heating system is running all the time to maintain the temperature in your house. Varying temperatures room to room, cold walls, floors and ceilings are commonly noticed in homes with are under insulated.

Some of the advantages of insulating your home 

With Gas & Electric bills rising at an unprecedented rate and set to go yet higher, it has never been more important to ensure your home is adequately insulated. The Energy Saving Trust states that around 25% of the heat that can be lost is through the roof, with 35% lost through the walls and another 10% lost through windows. In addition, an estimated 35% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from heating your home.


Lower Energy Bills

With poor insulation, many homes are effectively just throwing money away. One of the many benefits of home insulation is that it can help cut the cost of your energy bills considerably.


Reduces Heat Loss

When Due to the fact that hot air in your home rises and escapes through the roof, this means that insulating your attic will prevent the hot air from escaping and trap it inside. 


Reduced Environmental Impact

Another benefit of insulating your home is that it will have a significant effect on the reduction of thermal energy consumption. This, in turn, reduces carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.



Dry, warm and comfortable is what you can expect from a well insulated property. A fully insulated property keeps you warm in the winter months and cool in the summer and helps reduce damp and mould.

The best insulation options for your home

As part of our service, when we visit your home we will assess your property to see whether it is adequately insulated and advise on any improvement that can be made. These options will include:


  • External Wall Insulation
  • Internal Wall Insulation
  • Room In Roof Insulation
  • Loft Insulation
  • Underfloor Insulation
  • Cavity Wall Insulation

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our insulation services and to discuss any government grants that are available.