Solar PV 

Solar panels are the energy source of the future, and they even work well in the cloudy old UK. Our customers tell us that getting a solar PV installation is one of the most rewarding things they have ever done.

Photovoltaic systems, being a source of green electricity, save carbon dioxide emissions and help stop climate change. You generate your own electricity, becoming more self-sufficient, especially if used alongside battery storage – and that means lower bills.

There is the excitement of owning and operating pioneering new technology, and helping to kick-start positive change in the world. And now, many people are using their generated electricity to power their electric vehicles


How do Solar Panels Work?

Put simply, solar panels use the sun’s energy to generate electricity with no waste and no emissions. Cells containing a semi-conductor material capture the sun’s energy and convert solar radiation into electricity that’s perfectly capable of powering your property. Considering the sun produces 8,000 times more energy than we consume globally, it makes sense to utilise its power and make the most of this free energy supply.

Solar power has come on leaps and bounds in the past decade. PV panels have become increasingly efficient and now offer an attractive design that’ll help your property stand out.

Why rely entirely on the National Grid when you can choose the power of the sun? Here at All Around Air Source, we install and maintain high-quality solar panels, so that you can enjoy an eco-friendlier lifestyle and reduce your impact on the environment.



What are the Benefits of Solar Panels?

Aside from looking trendy and projecting your love for the environment, solar panels have many additional benefits including:


Saves you money on your electric bills

By generating your own electricity, you’ll be less reliant on corporate energy companies.


Cuts carbon emissions

This environmentally friendly way of making energy produces no harmful emissions as a by-product. 


Renewable energy

Unlike other forms of fuel (like oil, coal and fossil fuels), the Sun isn’t going to run out anytime soon!


Solar panels are made to last

Most commercial solar panels last at least 20-25 years, and some companies claim that their newer modules can last well over 40.


Virtually no maintenance

Self-cleaning, this no-fuss piece of equipment requires very little input from owners. There’s no switching off and on!


Protect You From Future Price Hikes

Increasing demand on the National Grid is likely to lead in a price hike. Solar panels can protect you against such price hikes and help you budget effectively.

“A gas engineer recommended we replace our gas combi boiler due to its age, we have always been conscious of the environment and knew this was our opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint and save some money on our energy bills. All Around Air Source first installed new insulation to maximize the benefits of our new air source heat pump which they installed after the insulation. They are a great company and very professional”

John Holden

Fixby, Huddersfield